Cmdr Madd Jakk {HYPE}
- Messager
- Commercant
- Explorateur
- Mineur
- Contrebandier
- Mercenaire
- Chasseur de primes
Welcome to the Hyperion Star Alliance, Commander!
We are avid players in the universe we know as Elite: Dangerous. We comprise of nearly 200 individual souls within our greater Hyperion Multi-Gaming Community with fully functioning TeamSpeak, and membership throughout several countries including Australia, Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Although we are a Federation aligned faction, we do not hold allegiance with the greater Power Play politics. Membership with the Hyperion Star Alliance does not require affiliation with Power Play, nor will it be discouraged as we celebrate Commanders being able to have free reign of their Destiny.
Those choosing to commit to our ideals of freedom, democracy, and a sense of family will find themselves at home with the HSA.
Our mandate is to one day rise as a Power Play faction of our own. One where we all can forge our own fate without the machinations of the Alliance, Federation, and Empire.
HSA Team Message
We as a team think of the Faction first and ourselves second, the more Pilots we have the faster we become a Power.
Success takes effort from all involved.
As a combat pilot in a Hyperion controlled system we try to help keep the Faction percentage as high as possible,
We can do this by trying NOT to get a Wanted Status, so we need to check our targets before firing and if available, Wing-up.
Missions are a Very Important part of Faction progression,
We only accept a mission after we 'Read it' and 'Understand' whether our ship and pilot can complete it.
Both Exploration and Mining can be done Solo, yet it is more fun and quicker to do this in a wing,
Both also help with faction influence, All efforts are appreciated and respected.
1/ Kill Defence Forces - Reduces the influence of the controlling faction and raises the others, initiating Un-Rest
2/ Smuggling illegal goods - an option with the same result as option 1
3/ Killing aligned civilians - MDK - same result as 1 & 2
4/ Running Missions for HSA only and dropping missions for the rest.
Note: Dropping Missions CAN result in fines, Only do this if we are NOT the controlling Faction.
Rules we all follow within the Hyperion Clan
As a Hyperion Clan Member you are not obligated to do the team activities,
and will be welcome to join us on TeamSpeak or ask for help at any time via Facebook.
Everybody can help to recruit HyperionStarAlliance-Recruitment where a Council Member will pick up the process.
New Hyperion members will first be added to the MGC Facebook page.
Rules we all follow within the Hyperion Star Alliance Team
As a Hyperion Star Alliance Team Member you're Priority obligation is to increse HSA Faction percentage,
and will be required to help players who ask at any time via facebook or team speak.
The Facebook page is a place to share, communicate away from TS and the game and have fun. It's not a place to air dirty laundry, spread rumours or complain about others, that's what private messaging a council member is for. A council member's word is final on a post if they say the conversation is to stop. Posts can also be removed if it is felt by a council member that they have gone too far or will lead to more arguments.
All members of HSA must be users of TeamSpeak no matter how infrequent.
If for any reason you can't be online to meet up with other Team members please let us know you can post on FB or contact a Council Member to let your Team members know.
Members must bring all exploration data and Mining Materials to a Hyperion Star Alliance controlled system.
If our Faction was to enter in to conflict, you will be requierd to drop what your doing and fight for your faction.