ED-Board : Atualizações

2017-09-12 Atualização HTTPS update

HTTPS is activated all over ed-board.net, everything seems to work fine. 
Please let me know if you got some issues (mail to contact@ed-board.net).

2016-10-11 Atualização 3D map updated

Draw on the map the route of the last 5,000 visited system add a button to switch to fullscreen mode.

2016-10-09 Atualização Site template

New site template: if you got some issues, please send me a mail at contact@ed-board.net

2016-10-09 Atualização Roles

Looking for suitable ship builds for each E:D activity ? Check out the new "Roles" page

2016-09-25 Atualização Exploration

Add exploration mini-guide

2016-07-30 Atualização Weapons list

Add weapons comparator

2016-07-01 Atualização Add engineers data

Engineers list, Blueprints, Components

2016-06-08 Atualização Mining feature

Adding Mining section to find closest pristine metallic rings from your position.

2016-05-27 Atualização Timeline

New feature: add a timeline of visited systems & take notes directly on it.

2016-01-09 Atualização Logbook update (new style)

2016-01-09 Atualização 3D map update

Add the new 3D galactic map instead of old 2D map:
-Preview of your personal notes on map,
-localize your ships,
-view lock/unlocked system (permit).
NB: the 3D galactic map is an open project, sources available here.

2015-12-21 Atualização E:D 1.5/Horizons update - Add new ships

2015-09-21 Atualização E:D 1.4 update - Add new ships

Add 1.4 ships + support for Coriolis & EDShipyard

2015-08-17 Lançamento EDCodex release

Great announcement: with Cmdr Wolverine we released  a new website about Elite: EDCodex.info, the purpose of this website is to offer a complete database of every interesting things about E:D (Tools, threads, videos...).I hope the E:D community will enjoy it and will contribute to enhance the database with new submissions.More info on the dedicated thread.

2015-08-15 Atualização Pilot licence improvements

Add unlocked permits, power allegiance & used game controller (to define in options page).

2015-08-07 Atualização Add Game Version in option page.

Now it is possible to define which version of the game you owned to unlock the Beta badge on the driver 's license.
Before was possible to find if someone got a beta access (using first date played in logs), no longer possible with new offers on the Store.

2015-07-20 Atualização Coriolis import

Now it's possible to import / save your builds with full stats from Coriolis into EDBoard, just use the "detailed Export" in Coriolis.
Thanks to the Cmdr McLeod (creator of Coriolis.io) for making a full export. for third-party tools.

2015-07-03 Tradução Small message for Germans Cmdr

I've see ed-board was shared on the community website www.elitedangerous.de, if a German Cmdr with some skills in English (or maybe in French) and want to help making a German version, I've made a little tool to manage easily translations directly on the website. Contact me if interested, I can open an access.

2015-06-21 Atualização New functionnalities & improvements for groups

- New design for Group list
For founders:
- each group detail now has a unique URL (to facilitate the sharing URL for memberships )
- add an image field for emblem,
- rich Text editor for group description,
- ability to set a faction & power for the group,
- ability to specify the group's activities,
- more languages in langage selector for the group.

2015-06-05 Atualização Powerplay update : Power list

Pledge allegiance to your power
Edit : add an option to choose to be neutral (no allegiance)

2015-06-01 Atualização List of systems with permit access

For connected users, mark unlocked permits to check your progress.(access to the list from the map or from the community section)

2015-05-28 Atualização Add Diamondback Scout & Imperial Courier

Edit : Add the Diamonback Explorer

2015-05-28 Overwolf ED-Board is now available on the Overwolf store

To use ED-Board ingame with Overwolf, now no need to install the app for Overwolf in development mode, the app is available directly in the store (freely).

2015-05-22 Atualização Personal RSS flow & follow favorite public logbooks

Get your RSS feed to be informed of latest updates and follow your favorite logbooks.

2015-05-18 Atualização Add public logbooks

Public logbook is now available - check the options to activate it. Once activated a button will appear on each entry to change public visibility.

2015-05-15 Atualização Now compare ships builds to find the best fit

2015-05-11 Atualização Add community section

- List of registerd pilots (only those who turn on their public page) - moving rankings, stats, levels to this new section

2015-04-17 Atualização Add community goals on 2D map.

Use the api from www.vocals.ovh/zone-conflit to get active CG. Thank to Cmdr Tealc for is job

2015-04-15 Atualização Stats on jobs / most used ships

2015-04-14 Atualização Now you can add you job and faction on your Cmdr page

2015-04-13 Tradução Add Polish translation thanks to Cmdr Rispo

2015-04-12 Atualização Some improvements on groups

2015-04-12 Atualização Name your ship build

2015-04-10 Tradução Add Swedish translation thanks to Cmdr Mossarelli

2015-04-03 Overwolf Add "Sidewinder Radio"

2015-04-02 Overwolf Add custom colours

2015-04-02 Overwolf Show group events (same way as favorite log entries)

2015-03-26 Atualização Add options page to allow user to reorder their logbook

2015-03-26 Atualização Add ranking page to compare you to the site community.

2015-03-20 Atualização Add function to choice ships from section "Ships to buy" with "EDShipyard Editions" to "My Fleet".

2015-03-17 Atualização release the 2D map

2015-03-14 Atualização Add public groups

2015-03-10 Atualização Add private groups

2015-03-08 Atualização Limit journal entries to 200 (I will raise it if needed)

2015-03-08 Atualização Add confirm box for delete buttons

2015-03-01 Atualização Optimizations

2015-02-28 Atualização Now you can add trade routes in logbook

2015-02-27 Atualização Stats to compare yourself with others members

2015-02-26 Atualização For french users : add ship score from galnet.fr

2015-02-25 Atualização Stats for ranks and levels

2015-02-25 Tradução Add Russian translation thanks to Cmdr Montan

2015-02-15 Lançamento Open ED-Board to everyone

2014-11-19 Beta Start the ed-board project