Lanzador Dron Colector
Atributos | Min | Max. |
integrity | % | % |
mass | % | % |
Ingenieros |
Ram Tah |
The Sarge |
Tiana Fortune |
Marsha Hicks |
Materiales | Costo | Raros |
Fósforo Surface Prospecting / All Rings - Mining | 1 | ///// |
Manganeso Surface Prospecting | 1 | ///// |
Manganeso Surface Prospecting | 1 | ///// |
Manufacturados | Costo | Raros |
Aleaciones recuperadas Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Cerámicas conductivas Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Aleaciones recuperadas Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Componentes conductivos Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Protoaleaciones ligeras Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Cerámicas conductivas Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Protoaleaciones ligeras Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Aleaciones protorradiadas Ship Wreck Salvage | 1 | ///// |
Mercancias | Costo | Raros |
Use data from the Engineering Database and EDEngineer (an ingame overlay to track materials, data & blueprint progress).